You must be a current member of U3A Gold Coast Inc Southport to participate in all our classes and social activities. Once a member you may access as many classes as you would like - there are no further class costs except for materials (where relevant). Please note that some social activities may incur an additional cost, for example, for bus trips.

Membership is for a calendar year (1 January to 31 December). A half yearly membership applies after 1 July

>      Our annual fee is currently $95 (registration cost includes a non-refundable Joining Fee of $10)

>      Renewal fee is currently $85 (not available after 28 February)

>      Our half year fee is currently $50

You can pay your membership fees online by credit card or direct deposit to the U3A Southport bank account.  You may need to allow a couple of days for your funds to arrive in our bank account.  If you are unable to use these methods you are welcome to pay in person at our office at Australia Fair.

Click here to become a new member of U3A SOUTHPORT:

If not joining as a new member online, click Download button below if you wish to print a hard copy of the Membership Form to complete before coming to Reception to join.

No renewals will be accepted after 28 February 2025. You must apply to be a New Member after that date.